Free webinar on evolutionary coaching: Don’t miss it.

OnWednesday May 14 at 1 pm in New York  and 6 pm in London, I will be doing a free 20 minute webinar as part of the World Business Executive Coach Pre-Summit.  You can find out more about this webinar by clicking here.

If you want to register for other pre-summit events or hear speakers at the full summit click here.

Here is an outline of my pre-summit talk:

At the core of the theory of human psychological development are two ideas: first, we grow and evolve in stages, and second, each stage has its own specific needs. What motivates us at any moment in time is the satisfaction of the needs of the stage of psychological development we have reached—our primary motivation, and the satisfaction of the needs of the stages of psychological development we have passed through where we still have unmet needs—our secondary motivations.

For whatever reason, and for whatever period of time the unmet needs from the earlier stages of our development predominate over our primary needs, we become arrested in our development: While our conscious awareness is taken up with satisfying our secondary motivations, we cannot focus on our primary motivation.

The job of the evolutionary coach is to help their clients prevent this from happening; and if it does, to support their clients in refocusing on their primary motivation by teaching them how to overcome or master their unmet needs and help them build new neural pathways.

When we are able to satisfy our needs we experience a sense of internal stability and external equilibrium. We feel aligned and comfortable in ourselves and we feel aligned and comfortable with those around us and our environment. Only then can we attain our full potential. When we are unable to satisfy our primary and secondary motivations we experience either internal instability or external disequilibrium.

Whatever needs we have that help us remain aligned and comfortable in ourselves and with those around us is what we value. Thus our values are always a reflection of our needs and a reflection of the stage of development we have reached.

Based on the Book: Evolutionary Coaching: A Values-based Approach to Unleashing Human Potential by Richard Barrett (available late May 2014)

Book Cover