Seminar: Cultural health and well-being at work


On March 16, from 13:30 to 16:30 I will be holding a seminar at the Friends House on Euston Road in London on how to build a healthy, high-performing workplace. 

Well-being at work is becoming an important health issue in the UK. In 2015/16 workplace stress and related factors such as anxiety and depression accounted for 37% of all work-related ill health and 45% of all working days lost. The main causes of stress were workload pressures, tight deadlines, too much responsibility and a lack of managerial support. These factors accounted for an estimated 13.5 million lost working days due to ill-health. A psycho-social working conditions survey indicated that around 13.6% of all working individuals think their job is very or extremely stressful. 

In this seminar, I will identify the primary causes of workplace stress and show how to measure the cultural health of an organization. My approach is holistic in nature.  I will explain how a failure to meet employees’ needs and desires at different stages of psychological development contribute to work place stress. This ground-breaking seminar draws on two of my recent books — The Values-Driven Organization and A New Psychology of Human Well-Being.

Click here to find out more and register.

You may also be interested in my upcoming workshop in Italy entitled From Well-Being to Flourishing. Click here to find out more.

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