The “change-the-world” generation

Change the world generation

Let’s face it, the world is in a mess. I find myself wondering why we are not more concerned about the future of our young people. Why are we not more focused on the livelihood and well-being of our future generations?

I believe it is time for the “me” generation to give way to the “us” generation. We need to act now. Not acting now will incur more costs later. The cost of not acting will result in delays and failure to achieve the UN’s sustainable development goals.

We have the potential to change life conditions for every individual on the planet in one or two generations. This is the challenge to the youth of today—to take ownership of the achievement of the UN’s development goals.

The Global Goals Youth Challenge

To find out more about the New Leadership Paradigm, leading self, leading a team, leading an organization and leading in society go to:

The New Leadership Paradigm

The challenge to our current leaders is to support and empower every young person in fulfilling their potential as part of the “change-the-worldgeneration.

How can we do this?

Here is a seven-point plan that we have developed with PA Consultants that every organization can sign up to:

  1. Support and partner with local communities to make them sustainable and safe for young children.
  2. Give young children a secure start in their lives.
  3. Support youth in learning about sustainability and values-based decision-making.
  4. Provide youth with ways of pursuing their independence and expressing their identity through developmental learning programs that focus on leading self.
  5. Grow young people’s awareness of the opportunities and challenges of becoming financially responsible and accountable.
  6. Facilitate youth’s choices regarding key financial milestones—education, starting a family and deciding a career path.
  7. Support and empower youth to make informed decisions about every aspect of their lives.

4 responses

  1. Dear Sir,

    Do you have any plans to visit India in near future ? Do let us know.

    Thanks and regards,
    Sr.Manager, Corporate Sustainability
    Corporate Strategy & Planning
    E-mail :
    Desk : 0657-2145922
    Mobile :  9234531271
    “Sustainability is not a choice, It is an imperative”

  2. Congratulations Richard. I completely agree with you. I am launching a new website in 2 weeks with videos, articles and assessments on TNLP and especially the Leading Self module. Inspired by your note I am going to start to offer Leading Self training for young people and also train professionals who are interested in working with this group of people. Love, Roberto

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